Tuesday 13 March 2012

Book Review(:

Thirst No.1. is a book about an 18  year old looking girl. Her name is supposedly Alisa but the name she was born with is Sita. Sita was born five thousand years ago and a few years after her baby was born, a vampire even older than her threatened to kill her young child and husband unless she joined him in vampirism. He told her he loved her and hed look after her. Now five thousand years and many wars later, she finally has found someone who she is in love with , Ray. She believes Ray is a reincarnation of her husband of five thousand years ago. 
During this book, Sitas creator find her and tells her he needs to kill her in order to keep his promise to Krishna(god) She hatches up a plan to make her creator think that she will die with him, but instead she will be blown into safety. Unfortunately, Ray hears her and her creator talking and he falls out of a broken window. Sita then rushes to his aid but to no aveil?  he is dying. She then turns him into a vampire. She ends up thinking she killed her creator when her plan has been completed. Her and Ray then go back to living their lives and falling in love. 
Louise gave me this book to read. I really enjoyed how it was different to other vampire books by having a few strange twists. I really liked when the author wrote about her past and then went back to her present , it was very well done. I am reading the 2nd book currently and Louise is giving me the third one to read on the weekend. I really loved reading this book.


  1. Cool review, good info :)
    It's spelt 'avail', there's a few other mistakes too, but nothing major.

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